Typical applications:
- Remote technical room monitoring
- Drug storage with PDF reports from Portal
- Food storage (control of storage conditions, creation of HACCP logs using application software)
- Building environment monitoring
- Remote monitoring of refrigerator or freezer (alert when refrigerator fails, logging of operating and storage conditions)
- Detection of water leakage (spot / sensing cable zones)
- Heating optimization (savings in heating and air conditioning costs)
Whenever the temperature is too high or too low (door opened), an Alert is sent. Email alerts can be sent for temperature or detector (DI) alarms. With external SMS-GW-LTE or Portal service, it can also alert you with an SMS or Voice call.
Email alerts can be sent directly from the device (SMTP) or the Portal service (also SMS, ring-out, and device-disconnected alerts). Even without Portal service, the device can send alerts via an external SMS gateway device on the LAN.
External detectors and sensor values are displayed on the device’s WEB interface, in the HWg monitor mobile App, or on the SensDesk technology-based portal.
SensDesk Technology Portal
STE2 PLUS can be connected to any SensDesk Technology-based portal to be monitored and managed.
The Portal centralizes device management, graphs, and alerts by email, SMS or voice calls. PDF reports are also available.
Find more about our new product https://www.hw-group.com/device/ste2-plus