Ares 10 LTE

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Ares 10 LTE is a cost-effective GSM and LTE thermometer for remote monitoring and alerting over GSM for locations without LAN access. Connect up to 6 external sensors and 2 dry contact detectors.

Ares 10 LTE monitors the readings of connected sensors. When a value reaches the alarm threshold, the device sends an e-mail or a text message (SMS), or dials specified numbers. Use one of SensDesk Technolgoy portals to view measured data in a complex dashboard.

Ares 10 LTE products are ready for remote mass deployment using FOTA (Firmware Over The Air).

  • 6x 1-Wire UNI/1-Wire Input; 2x Digital Input with S0 pulse counters; Data Logger for more than 250.000 recordss; Digital Inputs feature 32-bit pulse counters that retain their value even if the power fails
  • 5x E-mail; 5x "SMS+Ring"
  • Use the USB interface to configure the device from a PC with no need to install any additional software. Remote configuration also possible via the “AresConf” tab in the SensDesk portal.
  • Remote firmware upload (FOTA) capability makes Ares devices ideal for large-scale deployments.
  • Connected via LTE and GSM/GPRS. List of APN available worldwide
  • A sensor value out of a set safe range as well as a DI state change sends an alert by e-mail or "SMS+Ring".
  • Data can be sent in e-mail attachments or downloaded via USB.
  • With the HWg-PDMS software, S0 pulses can be converted to cost per time period and exported to MS Excel.
  • The "Tset" start set includes a temperature sensor with a cable that can be extended to up to 60 m.
  • Compatible with a range of third party SW (SCADA etc.). Examples for programmers on using the product are available in the HWg-SDK (Borland C++, MS Visual, VB, C#, PHP, JAVA and more).
Applications and usage: 
  • Electricity distribution networks (transformer stations, lines)
  • Water  source monitoring, including technical equipment  status
  • Agricultural  premises (greenhouses, granaries,  etc.)
  • Road, highway, or railroad technology
  • Temperature and thermal expansion of  structures
  • Diesel generators – environment and status  monitoring

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Ares 10 LTE: features for IoT projects

  • Data transfer over the GSM / GPRS mobile network
  • Quick view to current data on SensDesk web portal
  • Mobile application, desktop apps
  • Sending data by e-mail, custom SW or third-party cloud  applications
  • LTE version in 3Q 2018

Ares 10 LTE units allow connecting to the Internet via an LTE/ GSM/ GPRS network. Data is transmitted via the HWg-Push protocol to the SensDesk public portal or HWg-PDMS software. Data can be emailed to PDMS, and the software downloads it from the POP3 mailbox or its secured POP3S variant.
The SensDesk IoT portal provides a quick view of current values on the mobile phone as well. It can display graphs of measured values up to 3 months back. It also includes the ability to set alarm messages via e-mail or SMS (with own HWg-SMS-GW3 gateway) in a cloud-like web page.
IoT PDMS software allows to collect all measured data and convert it to Excel format. It can then perform its own analysis. Excel reports from PDMS can be used to document environmental values for control bodies, for example, in pharmacies and the food industry.
The Ares 10 LTE is ideal for outdoor or mobile IoT applications because it has wide signal coverage thanks to GSM communications. Switching between BTS (base station - network cell) is up to 180 km / h automatic and without loss of communication.

Differences between Ares 10 vs. Ares 12

  Ares 10 Ares 12
1-Wire UNI sensors 14×
External outputs NO YES
Battery NO YES




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