Sensors wiring options
2 sensors - 2 ports
- It's 2 separated RJ11 ports, but device show it as 3 different sensor values. Two different physical sensors, but 3 unique IDs.
- To identify sensors in one housing disconnect one of them and it will apperar as -999.9 value within cca 15 seconds.
Daisy chain – 60m maximum total length
- Some sensors can be easily used in daisy-chain (serial connection) due to 2x RJ11 port on the sensor.
- A 3m RJ11 connection cable is usually included.
- The total wiring length should not exceed 60 meters from an active port.
4 active ports - 4x 60m
- One RJ11 sensor in each port is typical application
- The total wiring length should not exceed 60 meters from an active port.
- After autodetection (device setup), sensors cannot be moved between individual RJ11 active ports. When a sensor / RJ11 port connection changes, Sensor autodetection needs to be done again from the device setup.
The information about time-related sensors' precision and the need for calibration can be found in this application note
You can also get a sensor with a calibration protocol.